T he peasant decorative art was devoted not only to the ornamentation. It was in the sphere of themes invariable for ages and stipulated by the ancient heathen rites. Every design contains the wish of happiness and peace, consent and prosperity. It is the original amulet ("protector") for home and its masters.
S ymbolical birds, horses, and deers preserve up to now the distinct echo of ancient cults of the religious conceptions, confessed before Christianity. They are considered a sacred animals and kind deity, bringing to home the peace, happiness and material well-being.
A n ornamental strips from the geometric symbols and vegetable designs are assembled one under another. Central place in the composition is occupied by the friezes showing deers and horses. The animals and birds are stylized almost to the loss its natural contours and apprehend as an ornament. The figures are showed by the brownish-red clay. Carbon-black was used only to outline the lines of a steep neck and back, thin legs creating the web of pattern, tails of horses and antlers.
D eer is symbol of the spiritual wealth conception, spiritual progress, and besides is the rain symbol. In an ornament the deers herd is always placed above the herd of horses. | |
H orse is the wealth of a family hearth. Symbol of a big and united family, and family happiness. The horse is also expressed the movement of sun. | |
W aterfowl symbolize the souls of our ancestors. Duck, in addition, is a symbol of a nightly underwater movement of sun. | |
T wo triangles diamond-shaped are symbolized masculine and female origin, source of the life diversity. | R hombus is symbol of the fertility and the grain; express the idea of home and prosperity. |
S piral is symbol of the sun and heat accompanying a man and protecting him. Several spirals are symbol of fire and fire element. |
C losing spirals symbolized the energy of return and transformation, intercommunication of all phenomena. |